

Ontario residents have voiced their concerns about the state of major roads in the province through the annual Canadian Automotive Association’s (CAA) Worst Roads campaign. This survey allows pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and motorists to identify roads that require urgent attention.

The campaign aims to shed light on unsafe and poorly maintained roads, fostering dialogue with municipalities and the provincial government to push for improvements. Factors such as congestion, potholes, lack of cycling infrastructure, and poor road signs were considered when voting for the worst roads.

The CAA’s initiative strives to initiate real changes by advocating for repaving and repairs on dangerous roads. By raising public awareness of hazardous road conditions, the campaign emphasizes the need for policy-level actions to ensure road safety.

Unfortunately, addressing these concerns and implementing improvements can take time and sustained advocacy. Some roads appear on the worst roads list year after year without significant efforts from local governing bodies to rectify the issues.

For instance, Barton Street East in Hamilton, voted the worst road in Ontario for the second consecutive year, suffers from major potholes and extensive cracking. However, a $9-million improvement plan has been initiated to address these issues.

Toronto’s Eglinton Avenue West, known for the delayed and over-budget crosstown LRT construction, has consistently ranked among the worst roads in Ontario. Despite widespread acknowledgment of its poor condition, no substantial improvements have been made.

It is crucial for road users on these hazardous roads to take safety precautions. Drivers should operate their vehicles at safe speeds, maintain a reasonable distance from the vehicle ahead, and stay attentive to speed limits and road signs. Cyclists should wear safety gear, including helmets and reflective clothing, and ride defensively.

Maintaining awareness of the surroundings is essential, especially in congested and construction-heavy areas. By being mindful, patient, and alert, every road user can contribute to improving the reputation of Ontario’s worst roads and ultimately save lives.

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