
Abott and Brain Injury Detection

Every year, there are approximately 18,000 hospitalizations for traumatic brain injury in Canada. These injuries occur from blows, bumps, and jolts to the head. They can lead to both temporary and long-term damage to the brain. Although there is a wide range of causes for traumatic brain injury, some of the most common include motor vehicle […]

Psychological Trauma and Insurer’s Ignorance

Income Replacement Benefits (IRBs) are part of Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). These payments provide financial relief to victims of motor vehicle accidents whose income is affected by an accident-related injury. Individuals applying for Income Replacement Benefits are required to meet a number of qualifications. Above all, they must demonstrate that their injury is […]

Slip and Fall Notice and Prejudice

The City of Toronto Act gives the municipal government a range of broad powers. These powers allow Toronto’s government to pass by-laws in the areas of public safety, economics, and environmental well-being, among others. Section 42 of this Act states that the City is responsible for keeping roads over which it has jurisdiction in a […]

Head Injury and Minor Injury Guideline Removal

The Minor Injury Guideline (MIG) is part of Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). The Minor Injury Guideline is a framework that guides the treatment and benefits available to victims of motor vehicle accidents who sustain minor injuries. The objectives of the MIG are, among others, to provide speedy access to rehabilitation and provide certainty […]

Slip and Fall and Accident Benefits

The Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, or SABS, is no-fault insurance that’s included in any standard automobile coverage in Ontario. It is intended to provide benefits to people who are injured while operating or using a motor vehicle. In order to qualify for these benefits, under any circumstance, certain requirements must be met. One of the […]

Hearsay Evidence

When a motor vehicle accident involving an unidentified vehicle occurs in Ontario, $200,000 is the standard coverage under the province’s auto insurance regime. That coverage is intended for both damage and injuries and can be increased to $1 million. However, claims regarding unidentified vehicles, and any motor vehicle accident for that matter, must always be […]

Determining Catastrophic Impairment

Under Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS), there are three tiers of injuries. These tiers are used to determine the level of financial compensation available to an injured person. The upper tier of injuries consists of catastrophic impairments. Individuals who are catastrophically injured have access to the highest levels of compensation to fund their treatment […]

Income Replacement Benefits and Long Term Disability 

There are numerous benefits available to victims of motor vehicle accidents in Ontario. Two of the potential benefits a victim of a motor vehicle accident may seek are Income Replacement Benefits (IRBs) and Long Term Disability Benefits. IRBs are for individuals who are unable to work as a result of an accident and are part […]

What Is Malicious Prosecution?

Legal processes can be –  and have been –  used as a malicious tool. In some cases, this can lead to unjust criminal allegations brought against an innocent person. When a situation like this occurs, the innocent party may pursue a malicious prosecution case. In these cases, the Plaintiff is the person previously accused and […]

Motor Vehicle Accidents, Traumatic Brain Injuries and SPECT Scans

Single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) produces images of the brain, similar to an MRI or CT. However, while MRI’s and CT’s provide images of physical anatomy and structure, SPECT is intended to show how the brain actually works. This relatively new technology has great potential, specifically in the diagnosis of traumatic brain injury. However, the […]